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Friendship Quotes

The Power of Quotes and Sayings

"A proper collection of quotations is the whole world digested." -- Terri Guillemets

Quotes and sayings are created from an author's genuine experiences in life. Since time immemorial, quotes have been known to motivate and empower the heart and mind. Whether they originate from renowned individuals or from less famous figures, quotes have remarkable impact on the lives of many.

Why are quotes so popular and powerful?

Quotes are magical. There is so much meaning and power and insights packed into such few words. They move people like poetry in motion. Quotes are words of wisdom that passed the test of time. They have the potential to influence people and shape their live. Quotes inspire individuals and support them in times of trials and tribulations.

Quotes stick because of rhyming, alliteration, truth, dualities, metaphors, humor and positiveness. They are hand selected as the best of the best that an author offers. Quyotes tend to be short and memorable and therefore stick in our memory and subconscious mind. They can also connect us to bigger picture thinking.

Quotes and sayings are written out of the motivated hearts and minds of thousands of authors - past and present. They are not just plain words to be uttered, printed, or forwarded to other individuals. They are significant tools in mending a broken heart, healing a failed relationship, inspiring a soul, or putting a smile across someone's face. We tend to stop, reflect and ponder on their depth.

Here are tips on how to make the most of quotes and sayings:

  • Collect them
  • Write them
  • Meditate on them
  • Display them
  • Interact with them
  • Visualize them

Quotes and sayings have great influence and impact on a person's effort to improve one's self. Their capability to inspire, influence and motivate people to take action is what makes quotes and sayings powerful.

It is time to share your quotes. If quotes are so powerful for you, you may want to share them with a friend. Quotes help strengthen your bond and deepen your connection with people that matter to you. Send them quotes to help motivate, appreciate, inspire, support, amuse, comfort and empower those you love.

"The wisdom of the wise, and the experience of ages, may be preserved by quotation. "
-- Benjamin Disraeli

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Best Friendship Quotes and Sayings for Friends

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